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Strong leadership underlies of our governance and our success. Gulf Lloyds (Middle-East) LLC is incorporated under Emirate law. The separation between the roles of Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer ensures that a clear distinction is made between the strategic, decision-making, oversight functions on the one hand and the operational and executive functions on the second hand. Gulf Lloyds group has a highly skilled and experienced team of managers whose backgrounds span a variety of industries.

Governance Structures

The Board of Directors is responsible for the ultimate direction of the Group. The duties of the Chairman of the Board of Directors (a non-executive role) include approving top-level strategy and policies (including those that affect sustainability risks), determining the remuneration of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and setting our mission and values.

Roles and Responsibilities

The Board of Directors reviews sustainability risks as part of its annual risk review. The Operations Council oversees and approves our sustainability strategy, which is developed by the Sustainability Steering Committee and coordinated day-to-day by the Corporate Sustainability Team.